The story of our home

The Cottage (Brickwork & Roof)

Having deliberated for some time on whether or not and if so then where we should build a cottage, we threw caution to the wind and broke ground on our latest project. It was a shot in the dark given the state of our economy (in October 2017); a decision to risk borrowing-to-build at a ridiculous 18% p.a. assuming the impending hyperinflation (one which we would later regret!)

February 24th, 2018 – Breaking ground

March 24th, 2018 (one month later)

April 24th, 2018 (after a 3 week break for truss construction)

It will be a little while before the electrical, plumbing, plastering, ceilings, floor and glazing pictures are posted because (at the time of writing) we haven’t quite worked out where everything’s going to go, or which of our gifted countrymen will be given the job! But we’re looking forward to sharing the photos as we proceed.



