The story of our home

Bunk Beds

I wanted some really chunky, solid bunk beds for Max, definitely not something you could buy locally so the solution was to build them… a great opportunity to spend some lockdown time with Grandpa 🙂

I chose 35mm planed Pine which would be doubled up on the legs to add thickness. I’m not the biggest fan of the colour of Pine as it ages (it goes quite yellow) so the plan was to stain with Woodoc Colours (Oak) and finish with Woodoc 5 Polywax Sealer to give a freshly oiled look.

Pretty rough “planed” lumber – bowed, twisted and inconsistent widths. But I’ve seen worse 🙂
Using the garage as a repurposed wood-shop space, we made light work of routing and sanding the lumber
We used pocket holes, 50mm chipboard screws and wood glue to fix the slats. Had to make the top bunk a little lower so that Trace would be able to reach it, haha!
Still needs its facias, guard rail, filler on the pocket holes and a good sanding… but was looking good for end of day
After three full days of sanding and varnishing (its actually three coats of polywax sealer) – the finished product.
The drawers were repurposed from the bunk bed I had as a kid, 30 years ago! I gave them a little TLC and some dividers to keep lego/toys/dinkies separated




